

英語ディベート大会(校内)が行われました ~APU・立命館コース~

 2月21日(土)に5年4組と4年4組による英語ディベート大会が行われました。テーマ『It is better to be married than single.』ALTとJTAによる英語表現のなかで日頃から学んできたディベートや事前調べ学習を生かしながら、“肯定”と“否定”のグループに分かれ論議し合います。

 「The 6th Intramural English Debate Tournament was help on February 21st. The purpose of this event is to be a first experience for 4-4 and a final tournament for 5-4 students. 5-4 students had experience in many competitions this year, including the Oita Prefecture, Kyushu and All-Japan tournaments. Through this competition, seniors are able to share their experience with juniors. The topic was “Resolved: It is better to be married than single.” and was decided by 5-4 students themselves. Everyone did a great job and I hope that more Iwata students will join our debate competition in the future.」


【結 果】
★1位 Team A (5-4) : Marie Polen, Jyunnosuke Abe, Karen Ueno, Momoka Oguchi
★2位 Team C (5-4) : Rikuro Nakagawa, Sogo Numata, Minami Nakagawa, Nobuko Teraji
★3位 Team 1 (4-4) : Kairi Hirao, Nagamitsu Ikushima, Emily Ueike, Reina Takeo, Keito Otsuka
★4位 Team 2 (4-4) : Yuki Eto, Junzhao Wang, Ruka Ito, Anna Toyota
★Best Debater : Marie Polen